Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Letter to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

I am writing you because I am highly worried about the post-election situation we have in the Republic of Moldova. Hundreds of young people have been arrested without any motives and tortured in the prison. There are several dead people, other people have dissapeared from the time of protests.

As you know all this began on 6 April when thousands of young people organised in the centre of the Chisinau protested peacefully because the communist party made rough election fraud. They decided to protest the next day, but on the 7 April there were instigators that through crowd attacked with stones the buildings of parliament and presidency. After that police started to arrest all the people from the center of capital even if they did not participate in these violent actions, and even if they protested peacefully.

I would like to know what exactly has been done by the Czech Presidency of European Union and also what intends Czech republic to do in order to prevent this situation.

I know that prime-minister Mirek Topolánek visited the Republic of Moldova on 22 April. I hope it was for him a big chance to verify the conditions of arrested young people. Also it was a big chance for him to have a meeting with the leaders of liberal parties and to find out all the fraud that the comunist party commited in this elections.

In my opinion the communist party made rough election fraud. It is a political party that got hold of power without the support of the electors. I think that European Union should not accept the result of the elections of 5 April 2009 and should require a repeated election scrutiny without the communist party in bulletin.

Thank you very much for your time and hope for an answer from you.

With great respect,
Ion Socolenco

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